A template for personal budget planning can be a handy spreadsheet tool to plan and track your personal income and budget household expenses
1 First find a personal template to download for your budget planning. Try to find one that is versatile to use and make changes but also does the budget calculations for you.
2 Next locate a place on your budget template to record your personal income and adjust the amounts to fit your household pay schedules.
3 If you have two personal incomes then it might benefit to set up your template on a bi - weekly basis for budget planning.
4 Now list all your personal expenses and group them into planning categories according to priority starting with fixed expenses (must pay on schedule), then personal needs (budget amounts and pay schedules vary), and lastly personal allowances and pocket money.
5 Make a category on your template to allow for emergency budget planning and personal savings. Set a goal and try to maintain this amount of savings monthly to use to fund tuition, retirement and for liquidity.
6 Subtract your expenses and your emergency fund amounts from your income to get your balance. Use your personal per pay period as a way of planning out your template to keep your household budget on schedule.